Group Licenses


If you want to subscribe your team, or any group of users to our flagship / Best Seller course, The Advanced MEDDPICC Course, you can do so here:

1) Determine the number of users you need to enroll.

2) Download this spreadsheet, fill in their names and send the spreadsheet to [email protected] .

3) Subscribe them by following the right link in the table below, and make payment

Number of users
Price is USD
Link To Subscribe & Pay
Custom Quote

4) Upon reception of your payment and the users list, we will enroll your team and confirm by email within 24 hours.

Group Workshop, Dedicated / Private

Virtual Instructor Led Training (workshops)

If you want to subscribe your team, or any group of users to our flagship workshop, as described here: The VILT (virtual Instructor Led Workshop), to practice what you have learned during the self-paced course, you can buy a 2 hours session, exclusively for your team, with up to 40 attendees. In a 2 hours session we focus only on METRICS and CHAMPION building exercises.
For a full MEDDPICC workshop, you can buy a full 4 hours workshop split in 2 sessions to avoid Zoom fatigue. We highly recommend 2 sessions of 2 hours each to cover our full workshop program. This is what all our Enteprise customers take.

The less participants, the better. You reach the best interactivity in a small group of 10.  

Price for a vILT per session (regardless of the number of attendees, limited to 40 total)

1 session of 2 hours (exercises on METRICS & CHAMPION only): $3,950. Order here.

2 sessions of 2 hours each (covering all MEDDPICC): $7,900. Order here.

Got questions? Ask here!
